"My Identity Mosaic" is for you!

Do you love the Lord, your family, and your friends, but you don’t feel like you’re showing up as your true self in any of those relationships? Like you’re too scattered and busy to feel still, but the busy activities don’t fill you?

You feel fragmented. 

When you’re triggered you keep reacting in ways you don’t want to, despite your best efforts. You may be struggling with a big change that has come to your life or with the cumulative effects on lots of years of patterns that have left you weary, and you find yourself questioning who you are now.  

 Are you ready to build on all the good you already have and learn to integrate all the different pieces of yourself into one beautiful, unified, fully-aligned whole? 

 It's time to experience your own personal restoration.

Our identities are made of hundreds of little experiences that can come together to make a beautiful mosaic. 

Most of us are simply missing a few key pieces that help all of the other good things fall into place.
  • We get the first two great commandments out of order.  If you anchor your whole self in your relationship with God and how He sees you, your heartfelt service can be more nourishing instead of exhausting.
  • We need greater integration in our human brain.  Most people know very little about the amazing processes going on in their own minds, but understanding how your brain functions allows you to activate your agency more intentionally!
  • We need practice identifying our personal core values and acting in accordance with them.  This means noticing the critical point between stimulus and response when you actually choose what you’re going to do because of what matters most to you. 

  • We need to return to our congruent, whole self, including all the parts we might sometimes avoid or ignore: talents and flaws, good memories and bad, past and present.  And we need to allow ourselves the grace and the space to work on ourselves and heal, as well as the time to notice and celebrate our personal growth. 
  • We need safe, supportive relationships of trust as we build and practice these new skills.  We all need mentors to light the pathway ahead, and we also grow as we share our own light and lift others by being a mentor for them.

It’s time to grow in wholeness like you never have before!


My Identity Mosaic

A transformational 15-week program combining a weekly group class and one-on-one personal coaching, for women who want to discover and integrate the fragmented parts of their identity into a meaningful whole and experience a personal restoration.   


Inside this course, you will: 

  • Develop a clearer understanding of your relationship with Christ, so that your gospel-centered learning and service actually nourish your whole soul (rather than tiring you out, leaving you discouraged, or simply keeping you anxiously engaged).
  • Grow your awareness of your brain functions and processes so that you can appreciate and work with your body, not against it.  
  • Practice sorting through phases of your brain response to identify your moments of agency so you can make choices that align with your values. (For many women this is the skill they increase in the most!)
  • Identify your core values so you can feel confident making choices that align with them (rather than being a people-pleaser or flying by the seat of your pants).
  • Discover patterns and recognize when you are in survival mode, and gain confidence in navigating back to whole-brain function. This allows you to recognize personal triggers and prevent them from making you reactive.   
  • Learn valuable tools and practices to continue integrating your spirit, body, heart, and mind, so you’re ready to carry on the journey and mentor others after the course ends.
  • Develop a new sense of yourself as a whole person - spiritual and physical, good experiences and bad, as you were then and as you are now, and as you want to become.

Element #1

Soulful Identity: Connect with the 4 aspects of your soul--spirit, body, heart, and mind.

Element #2

Names of Christ Study: Learn each week how a different attribute of Jesus Christ helps in your integration/restoration journey

Element #3

Mindsight: Learn about the 10 domains of integrating your human brain. This will develop new dimensions of self awareness and help you better activate tour agency to transform your life.

Element #4

Identity Integration Tools: 

  1. My Core Values
  2. My Team
  3. My Gifts
  4. My Internal Council
  5. My Affirmations
  6. My Divine Connection

Element #5

Identity Mosaic Project:  Use templates from the course for journaling to integrate memories and relationships based on personal pictures from your life.  Create your beautiful personal picture mosaic.

Element #6

Personal Coaching: Bring all your questions and process one-on-one with a certified life coach through your own stuck or fragmented points and turn them into growth points.


 I’m a human developmentalist by education, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by faith, a neuroscience nerd by choice, and a certified life coach by passion.  I have a deep empathy for all of the yearning, discouragement, and hope we’ve been talking about.  I'm a divorcee, single mom, LGBTQ parent, and face daily chronic health challenges. I’ve been there, friend!  But I’m here to tell you that growth and change are possible, and oh so beautiful. Amidst the struggles, personal restoration brings such peace and joy.

With the help of the Savior, you CAN bring all those fragmented pieces of yourself together in one and find the result more peaceful and empowering than you ever imagined.  That's exactly why I created this course, and why I find so much purpose and joy in coaching women through it. 

“The My Identity Mosaic program has been transformational for me.  I have experienced healing at a whole new level, and my growth gives me so much hope and confidence.  The one-on-one time was clearly spirit-led, and the group meetings were phenomenal.  The investment has been 100% worth it!  I highly recommend the program to those who are seeking clarity and understanding, needing increased self-compassion, wanting a personal restoration, and/or seeking exponential growth.  I know it was the best decision I made this year!”

-Shanna G.

“This course truly has been a personal restoration for me.  I didn’t realize how many fragmented pieces of myself I had tucked away and ignored over the years, and how much those life experiences still affect beliefs about myself and my relationships.  Emily is a master at expanding understanding, teaching true principles, and creating safe space to learn.  I have grown to love and trust the incredible women in my group as we have discussed these powerful integration concepts and tools.  I have especially loved the one-on-one coaching sessions with Emily.  I feel a confidence and peace about my life that I haven’t experienced before, and I’m so grateful to be on this beautiful path.”

-Cay C.

New group begins in September! 

Group size is limited to 6 women. Pre-register today to claim your spot!



for 15 weeks, May 21st to August 27th

  • One-on-one coaching sessions, held at the same time each week, scheduled Thursday or Friday.
  • Group meeting each time for each week (day nd time for fall group is not decided yet).
  • Group text thread for questions, support, and celebration together all week long.
  • Weekly suggestions and activities to apply the principles we are learning.
Sign up for the waitlist now

The Grow in the Light Guarantee 

If you don’t feel the course is a good fit after two weeks, you can withdraw from the course, no questions asked.  You’ll only pay for the coaching sessions you attended and nothing more.

“I have struggled with depression and anxiety for over 30 years.  I have recently completed the Identity Mosaic program.  Each week Emily taught me, line upon and line, how to integrate my fragmented parts into wholeness.  This restoration has been a beautiful unfolding and has taught me how to live more fully in my relationships with myself and others.  The personal work is unique and like nothing I have tried before.  I am loving the change I feel on the inside.  Today, I am living more fully in my relationships with others and myself.”

-Sharlene H.

“Emily goes above and beyond in loving and helping as she works with women.  She is one of the most intuitive, conscientious, caring, and wise mentors ever.  I come away from coaching feeling empowered to face my challenges and having received promptings from the Spirit.  She humbly utilizes her gifts and abilities to help so many others.  She has an innate ability to connect to others' hearts.  I do not say this lightly, but what I have experienced with Emily has been life-changing.  I have gone to the next level in how to maneuver through great grief and loss.  I have worked through what I thought were in penetrable walls.  I have greater clarity and trust in so many areas.”

-Shirley M.