Now is your time...             


Become all you were

meant to be and

Grow in the Light

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Now is your time...             

Become all you were

meant to be and

Grow in the Light

Receive Light

Magnify Light

Share Light

October 2024 Theme...

Creating a "Womb Space"

Imagine a tiny baby inside its mother’s womb. The chaotic sounds of the outside world are muted and subdued by the gentle rhythm of the mother’s beating heart. Miraculous growth unfolds in that snug, safe, soothing environment.

I don’t know about you, but that tends to be the opposite of my daily experience. Alarms, screens, errands, traffic, and to-do lists tend to tax my neurological system. We live in an environment saturated with stimulation that can impede growth rather than foster it. That’s why I was intrigued by some instruction at a recent training about creating a “womb space” before I began my meditation practice. In the days and weeks since then I have explored what that means for me and the difference it makes in my daily life. Wow! What might that awareness and cultivating your own “womb space” do for your peace, growth, and healing? I can’t wait to discuss it with you at our next gathering!

 Join us for a free "Gathering of Light" to discuss this theme with other women of faith on Monday October 21st 1-2:30pm Eastern.

Image by Rebecca Sorge Jensen
By Rebecca Sorge Jensen
Register here for the Zoom link

Gathering of Light--Womb Space

Oct 22, 2024

Womb Space

Oct 20, 2024

Day 18...Living Water and Womb Space

Oct 05, 2024

You want to love God and others with all your heart, might, mind, and strength, don’t you? But...

Sometimes we get discouraged, weary, or stuck because our desire and efforts don’t seem to be making a difference. That’s why you are here searching for something.

Can I just assure you–you aren’t broken. You just have gaps!

Gaps are places in our lives that we don’t yet have the knowledge, skills, or example to do what our heart desires.


You will find tools, discussions, and mentorship here to help you grow in 


emotional resilience (heart), 

spiritual centering (might), 

brain development skills (mind), 

and physical self-care (strength). 


Just imagine how growth in each of those areas will transform your results in that important desire!


At Grow in the Light you will find a beautiful blend of proven truths from God’s word, brain science, and psychological research.

If your heart, spirit, mind, and body are feeling fragmented or out of balance,

you may be ready for a personal restoration!


God’s word teaches us that a restoration will come (Acts 3:21),

and that all things can be gathered together in one in Christ (Ephesians1:10). 

Some people think this just applies to His church. Have you considered that Christ wants that for His followers just as much as He wants it for His church?


Christ will help you experience this integration, based on His truths!

Teach me more!

Sign up for our monthly email newsletter.

Do you want light and inspiration delivered to your inbox?

Do you want to experience…


Less feeling like you aren’t good enough–More confidence in your divine identity

Less hopelessness–More peaceful growth

Less discouragement and isolation–More connection and belonging

Less fear and triggers–More security and empowerment

Less entanglement in the choices of others–More liberty in your own stewardship

Less living in survival mode–More intentional and purposeful living

Less stagnancy–More miracles


These delicious fruits will come as you

Grow in the Light!

Start Coaching Today

Kelli J.

“I love the group discussions–the different personalities and experiences of the women there help me look at my own life and faith with fresh eyes. I come away with new questions, greater self-awareness, a sense of possibility, and actual things I can put into practice in my relationships (or teach my kids to practice in theirs!).  Even when I am busy, I never regret spending time here, because I always emerge with some actionable nugget of wisdom.” 

NiCole H.

“Emily is insightful, respectful, and creative. Her ideas always always help me see possibilities I hadn't considered, and help me with new approaches and inspiration for the challenges ahead. She encourages connection between the divinity within and the Ultimate Divinity to find truth and to motivate next steps.”Â